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2024-09-21 08:50

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Server Time

2024-09-19 10:49:14

Update 06-08-2024:

1. Battlefield AFK check cooldown has been increased to 4 minutes.

2. Level 73+ Shiny Monsters aggro range has been increased.

3. Rupture is now AOE.(based on players suggestions)

4. 75 Level Area Crystal droprate has been added to 73 Level Areas.

5. 73 Level Area Crystal droprate disabled.

6. 70 Level Area Crystal droprate disabled.

7. Lemon Haze descriptions of Weapon skins fixed.

8. G70 accessories stats updated as it says on Lemon Haze.

9. Battlefield NPC description updated.

10. Last Man Standing description updated.

11. Floor 10 Manager description updated.

12. Ticket of Instance of Time name and description fixed.

13. Monster Pet Crafter fixed.

14. Hemp Oil icon fixed.

15. Removed geon requirements from the Shadow Realms below level 65.

16. Perfect Defense upgrading fixed.

17. Revival skills cooldown issues fixed.

18. Wave of Emperor cooldown reduced.

19. Gigaburst cooldown reduced.

20. Donation Store in UCP updated.

PVP balance :

1. HalfSwing damage has been rebalanced against thief/mage.

2. Life Absorption has been rebalanced against thief/shaman.

3. Fatal Wound has been rebalanced against all classes.

4. Rupture has been rebalanced against all classes.

5. Spear Of Pain has been rebalanced against all classes.

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